Bioidentical Hormone replacement Oak Brook, IL - Renew Health Clinic

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) can help both men and women overcome hormone deficiencies that lead to undesirable symptoms and health issues. As leaders in customized bioidentical hormones and anti-aging medicine, Renew Health Clinic provides cutting-edge BHRT programs to residents of Oak Brook and surrounding communities.

What Are Bioidentical Hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are identical in molecular structure to the hormones naturally produced in the human body. They are sourced from plant extracts and custom-formulated in a compounding pharmacy to match a patient's individual hormonal needs.

Some key facts about bioidentical hormones:

Benefits of bioidentical hormones:

Our Services

Diagnosing Hormone Imbalances

The first step is getting hormone testing to check levels of key hormones including estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, thyroid, DHEA, cortisol. Based on test results and evaluation of symptoms, customized BHRT treatment plans are created.

Some symptoms indicating potential hormone deficiencies:

Women: Hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, irregular periods, trouble sleeping, anxiety, depression, lack of libido, fatigue, weight gain, hair loss, dry skin.

Men: Loss of muscle mass, increased body fat, fatigue, depression, irritability, erectile dysfunction, decreased libido, loss of motivation.

Restore hormonal balance, feel youthful. Contact Renew Health Clinic today.

Customized Bioidentical HRT Treatment Plans

At Renew Health Clinic, an anti-aging doctor specializing in BHRT thoroughly evaluates patients' symptoms along with comprehensive lab testing to determine any hormone imbalances. This informs custom treatment plans featuring:

Delivery methods are selected based on patient factors:

Pellet therapy offers a convenient option - the size of a grain of rice, the bioidentical hormone pellets are inserted under the skin every 3-6 months.

Renew Health Clinic customizes combinations, doses and delivery methods of bioidentical estrogens, testosterone, DHEA, thyroid and progesterone to match each patient's unique needs.

Key Benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement

Balancing hormones with bioidentical hormone replacement provides wide-ranging benefits:

Relief of Unpleasant Menopausal and Andropausal Symptoms

Women Men
Hot flashes Erectile dysfunction
Night sweats Depressed mood
Vaginal dryness Irritability
Painful intercourse Fatigue
Depressed mood Lack of motivation
Fatigue Weight gain
Lack of motivation Muscle loss
Weight gain

Restored Wellbeing and Vitality

Disease Prevention

Reduced Risk
Heart disease
Alzheimer's and dementia
Certain cancers like colon

Anti-Aging Effects

Documented Safety Profile

Importance of Timely Treatment

Getting tested and starting treatment for hormone deficiencies sooner than later provides the best results in terms of symptom relief and restoring optimal wellness.

The body is sometimes able to compensate for modest hormonal declines. But once deficits reach a critical threshold, patients experience undesirable effects like hot flashes, low libido, erectile dysfunction, fatigue, and emotional volatility.

Restoring balance becomes more difficult over time as deficiencies trigger cumulative damage. For example, unchecked estrogen loss over years eventually causes bone mineral density loss, increasing osteoporosis risk.

Treatment is also most effective when initiated BEFORE multiple major hormonal systems become imbalanced in a domino effect.

That's why entering peri-menopause or andropause is an opportune time for testing and starting bioidentical HRT under an anti-aging physician's supervision - to alleviate symptoms AND help prevent long-term health consequences.

It's never too late to regain wellness by replenishing vital hormones. But acting preventatively at the first signs delivers noticeably better, faster benefits with BHRT customized for each patient's needs.

Renew Health Clinic specializes in early detection of suboptimal hormone levels along with prompt treatment for restoring balance, health and vitality.

Restore hormonal balance, feel youthful again with BHRT.

Renew Health Clinic Anti-Aging and Bioidentical HRT Specialists

The physicians at Renew Health Clinic focus exclusively on hormone balancing and anti-aging treatments.

With collective experience treating thousands of patients, our practitioners stay current on the latest scientific advances in age management medicine.

We continually enhance our integrative therapies to optimize bioidentical hormone replacement outcomes for women and men.

The Renew Health Clinic approach entails:

This comprehensive protocol optimizes BHRT results for patients to look and feel their best regardless of age or gender.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is a good candidate for bioidentical hormone therapy? Both men and women exhibiting hormone deficiency symptoms along with blood test results indicating imbalances can benefit greatly from customized bioidentical treatments. Patients range from those in perimenopause/menopause and andropause to younger individuals with suboptimal hormone levels causing affliction.

Are bioidentical hormones safe? Extensive research illustrates bioidentical hormones have a safer profile compared to traditional synthetic hormone replacement. Bioidenticals identical to endogenous human hormones allow highly personalized dosing to match patients' metabolic needs. Ongoing monitoring ensures optimal balance is maintained long-term for maximum benefits and safety.

Will health insurance cover bioidentical hormones? Currently, coverage varies widely between policies. Renew Health Clinic helps patients determine if any portion is covered and provides affordable payment plans for those paying out of pocket. We find the customized results and relief most feel to be well worth the investment.

What are the primary causes of hormonal deficiencies? Natural aging causes declining production across hormones. Endocrine disrupting toxins, chronic stress and unhealthy lifestyles accelerate deficits. PCOS, endometriosis, prior surgeries/medical treatments also trigger imbalances earlier for some individuals. Genetic predispositions play a role as well.

How are bioidentical hormone levels monitored during treatment? Initial blood tests establish baselines for estrogen, testosterone, thyroid, cortisol, etc. Follow-up testing performed periodically allows for adjustments to types, combinations, and dosing. Tracking symptom changes along with lab work enables precision tuning until optimal balance and relief are achieved.

What results can patients expect from bioidentical HRT? Most patients report significant alleviation of uncomfortable menopause and andropause symptoms within the first 1-3 months. As customized bioidentical therapy works to restore hormonal balance, increased energy, libido, emotional stability, healthier body composition, and enhanced quality of life become noticeable - essentially a rewinding of aging's undesirable effects.


Imbalances of vital hormones like estrogen, testosterone, and thyroid lead to unwanted symptoms that worsen over time - impacting quality of life on emotional, physical, and sexual planes. Through an expert age management approach centered around customized bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, the practitioners at Renew Health Clinic successfully restore patients' vitality, health, and wellbeing.

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